Turkey : Plastic gloves warning from experts: Not used correctly!

Stressing that they frequently observe the inappropriate and improper use of plastic gloves in the fight against the Corona virus, Public Health Specialist Dr. of Istanbul Volunteers. Yeşim Altıntepe: “Remember, misuse will threaten the health of both you and your environment. Why is it wrong? In fact, do we need such gloves in daily use, in public transportation, in the bazaar-market? No not. Our observation is used all day long when these gloves are worn. You can go to the market with the same gloves, you can go from market to market, from market to bank, to post office. These gloves are used longer than necessary and you are very likely to take the microbe from one place and carry it to the other side. ”


Stating that viruses live longer on plastic materials, Dr. Altıntepe said, “These gloves are made of plastic materials and therefore, according to our information, we can say that the virus lives on plastics longer. These gloves create a false sense of trust in people, and when we go out with gloves, we become more fearless to touch everything. Gloves remain in our hands for a long time, and we forget that we should not bring our hands to our face, nose, or eyes. This is dangerous for us because we know that the virus is transmitted through our eyes, nose, and mouth. ”


Saying that there are certain rules for using gloves and that it is better to disinfect hands with soap, cologne and water rather than using gloves, in the fight against corona virus, Altıntepe said:

“Are we putting the gloves on and off correctly? No. This also has a rule. When are gloves worn? How long is it worn? Against whom? In which environment is it attached? Which garbage is thrown? And how to put on and take off? These all depend on the rule. The use of these disposable gloves is taught with a theoretical course in Medical Faculties. Later, in order to put this information into behavior, the information is reinforced with practical lessons.


It is not possible to wash the gloves and use them over and over again. When I go to the market with this glove and go from the counter to the counter, do not say, “I have gloves, and I will disinfect with cologne.” This is not possible. We must follow the correct information and act with scientific knowledge. We must follow the rules. In the fight against the Corona virus, believe that it is more hygienic and easier to wash our hands with water and soap for 20 seconds. Because when you wear gloves, you should wash your hands before and after each glove. It is not possible to change gloves when it leaves the grocery store, when it leaves the bank, when it comes from the greengrocer. It is not possible to wash your hands with every glove change. However, wash your hands with water and soap at home, have a cologne with you when you go out and clean your hands frequently with this cologne. The perimeter of the virus is covered with oil, and this oily membrane is not based on soap and alcohol. Water, soap and cologne will kill the virus. ”


Psychiatrist, who explained that the use of gloves while trying to create safety areas, actually increased the risk of spreading the virus by using a fake control method and even caused anxiety to grow in the long term. Gizem Güneş said:

“We are going through a very difficult period. We are trying to fight a virus. There is something we all feel common in this period, which is anxiety. Anxiety, of course, is the feeling that man automatically activates in the face of dangers. And it’s a feeling that actually pushes us to take action and act as a signal for our protection against dangers. So instead of trying to get rid of this feeling, we need to think about how to deal with it. Here, of course, we all follow different paths in terms of coping. Instead of accepting this highly evolutionary and universal sense of anxiety, we try to destroy it, and while we try to get rid of anxiety, we all try to struggle with the information we have brought from the past to the present.

Some of us deny the threat and do not comply with the ‘Curfew’ warnings. Some of us are trying to control the event with the methods we know according to ourselves. For example, wearing gloves, although it is not recommended by experts by the scientific committee, we still do this. This is very normal because we are trying to create a false security area with the information we have accumulated to this day, even though we assume it is real. But we know that the “false control methods” we try to use when trying to create this security area, or denial increase our anxiety more in the long term, both by increasing the danger with the spread of the epidemic and by making us feel “free from anxiety” temporarily. And so, in fact, we have chosen methods that are irrational and long-term dysfunctional for us while using methods of coping with the threat. Thus, we increase the threat. We cause this process and our anxiety to take a long time.

The most rational thing here is to act as suggested by the scientific board or the Ministry of Health. These are the measures we can take here right now. Accepting this threat and advancing in line with scientific knowledge seems to be the most rational way of dealing with us. ”

“WHAT CAN WE DO TODAY?” Instead of Trying to Make Undetermined. FOCUS ON YOUR QUESTION

Dr. Güneş continued his words as follows:

“Because we know that we are currently struggling with a physiological immunity, we are trying to deal with a virus as a world. We are also fighting an ‘Emotional Immunity’. In fact, when we look at the concept of “psychological resilience” which I describe as “emotional immunity” but in the long term, in the light of our past knowledge, we know that our immunity is strengthened with such traumas in the long term if we manage social traumas functionally and rationally. At this point, the rational method is to see this as a process of change and focus on ourselves. Instead of thinking about the future, trying to make uncertainty clear, there seems to be a way to focus on ‘what we can do today’ and determine ways to deal with ourselves in line with scientific knowledge. ” DHA

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