The struggle with the pandemic COVID-19, which has turned into a global epidemic that affects the whole world, continues in many dimensions. In China, where the epidemic started, the news of the downward trend in the number of cases started and the news of transition to normal life, the USA, Italy and Spain are experiencing the most risky periods of the epidemic. One of the most curious questions of the pandemic days will be the peak, when will it end? Prof. Dr. at Altınbaş University Faculty of Medicine, Chest Diseases Specialist. Dr. Servet Kayhan responded and evaluated the figures announced by the course of the epidemic in our country.
Stating that the currently diagnosed cases are the patients who are predicted to have been infected a week ago. Dr. Servet Kayhan said, “We see patients who are virus positive last week after a week. We will see patients who are positive at the moment as diagnosed after a while. This shows how important it is to identify people who are sick and to isolate people who may be symptoms of the disease. ”
Stating that it may be predicted that the spread rate of the virus may decrease depending on the awareness of each individual and taking protective measures in the coming days. Dr. Servet Kayhan said, “At this point, the age distribution profile of the country’s population is also important. Because the disease is overcome in young people and children. The risk increases in advanced ages, over 50 and 65 years, and those with additional disease. not to say a figure on the peak of the epidemic in Turkey. It is important to diagnose and isolate infectious individuals quickly. If the infectious person does not isolate himself, there are bad examples that he is sick of 15-30 people. We are currently seeing this in Istanbul intensely. ”
Starting with 1 case announced since 11 March in our country, Prof. emphasized that positive cases are increasing gradually especially in regions where there is a dense population. Dr. Kayhan said, “The fact that the number of cases does not increase further depends on the implementation of preventive measures. We are in more than 80 million countries. We do not anticipate that everyone will be sick, but when facing such an infectious virus, people who may be suspicious can move these figures further ”.
The figures disclosed in the world and in Turkey comparing the progress of the pandemic Prof. Dr. Servet Kayhan said:
“We have examples of China, USA, Italy and Spain before us. There are also claims that new cases are not reported in China, but at the end of the 3-month period, the number has dropped considerably. When we look at the examples from Italy, Spain and the USA, the process still continues at very high levels. Despite all the precautions taken here, the disease continues to be transmitted. It has reached the peak and started to fall, we can not say that it will disappear anymore. This seems to spread over a two-month period. We also experience a struggle process that started in our country three or four weeks ago. If we pay attention to the rules of hygiene and social isolation socially, I think we can solve this issue as of the end of May. ”