Turkey : Professor Essence: Not everyone’s salt is dry, people have to bring bread to their home

Scientific Committee Member Dr. Tevfik Özlü explained the critical points of the normalization process to SÖZCÜ TV.

Prof. Dr. SÖZCÜ reporter answered the questions of Hande Zeyrek. Dr. Özlü, recalling that normalization will begin after the feast “Not everyone’s salt is dry. People have to bring bread to their home. Many people lost their jobs, cannot earn money. He cannot pay the rent for the house, he cannot provide for the livelihood of his child … It is a must to start life in some way, but we must also protect ourselves while doing this ” said.

Pointing out that the virus will continue, Özlü listed in five articles how we should find a way to live with the epidemic and how to do it.


Emphasizing the importance of social distance and mask. Dr. Tevfik Özlü pointed out that the street should never be left without a mask, but there has been a relaxation in the use of masks in recent days.

Professor When we showed Özlü to N95 masks with a 1 lira mask, he explained that the mask with N95 should be disposed of immediately, and its use in the society would increase infectiousness. Özlü, who also describes the use of the correct mask “Many people use the mask like an accessory” said.


Stating that it did not seem possible to have a wedding recently, as before. Dr. Tevfik Özlü said: On the other hand, the weddings must be held, life continues. We need a new wedding format that will not allow the epidemic. It can be done outdoors. Seating arrangement entrance and exits can be adjusted. A new format can be developed for jewelry ceremonies.

Science Board also answered the question of wait, wait a second wave in Turkey Prof. Dr. Tevfik Özlü made remarkable statements.