Turkey : Ramadan news: What are the conditions of being obliged to fast?

Ramadan, was greeted with great joy in all of Turkey. With the coming of Ramadan, the information about this holy month of Ramadan was curious. One of these is the conditions of being obliged to fast … So who is obliged to fast? Here is the statement made by the Presidency of Religious Affairs …


The information provided by the Religious Affairs Directorate on the subject is as follows;

According to Islam, the basic conditions for the individual to be responsible are to be Muslim, smart and reach the age of adolescence. Therefore, these conditions are also the conditions of being responsible for fasting worship. Accordingly, in order for a person to assume fasting during Ramadan, he must first be a Muslim and a scholar.

Although it meets the obligations of worshiping, some people in special situations are not permitted to fast.

Children who are not adolescent, although not obliged to worship, are encouraged to pray and fast to get used to and get warmed up. As a matter of fact, Hz. The Prophet (pbuh) recommended that the child be accustomed to prayer from the age of seven to ten years.

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