Turkey : “Remedial training” statement from Minister Selçuk… First measurement, then duration

Minister of National Education Ziya Selçuk, “Education Meetings with Ziya Teacher”, which was moved to the internet due to the corona virus epidemic, was held this time with educators from Mardin.


Minister Selçuk thanked his colleagues for their efforts in the distance education period and said, “In these difficult days, we, as teachers, try to heal the wounds of the society.”

Deniz, the son of Nevin Çete, who is connected to Artuklu, pointed out the summer preparations in EBA and said, “You think of us more than us. I ignored the summer months. Minister Selcuk replied, “Our duty is to serve our children”.


Minister Selçuk answered the question of Orhan Cut from Yeşilli district regarding compensatory education and noted that they were following the process and said:

* How many lessons on TV have been benefited, and how much has been benefited from EBA Internet and Academic Support, will be determined how many weeks of face-to-face education will be in September.

Our teachers will provide compensatory training in a concentrated manner. We will continue this compensation during the year with the Support Training Courses. (DHA)