Saadet Party leader Temel Karamollaoğlu spends his corona days at home. It organizes meetings with video conferences with party organizations.
It closely follows the country’s agenda and the government’s efforts to combat corona. “Power remained in the class in this process,” says Karamollaoğlu. Here are the explanations of Karamollaoğlu:

F Execution Law Returns from AYM ‘
Attention to isolation due to the corona, SP leader Temel Karamollaoğlu said, “The law of execution returns from the AYM.”
– Our economy, which is already in crisis due to the wrong management approach, unfortunately experiences one of the most difficult times with this epidemic. Not only our country, but all countries and governments around the world are giving a big test because of this epidemic.
– We believe that the economic size of the countries around the world is around 2 percent compared to the support packages around 10 percent. There is nothing left in the palm of the people.
– The announced economic measures show that; power is very, very far from the trouble and trouble of our people. These people, whom you call ‘stay at home’, are not on the agenda of the government, how they will pay their rent, bills, debts and how they will pay their families’ expenses.
– Our people are again sentenced to banks. It is a pity, it is a sin! There is no state that shows the address of the bank to its citizens who cannot take bread to their home. In summary, power has remained in the classroom in every aspect of managing the economic and social dimension of this process.
– In such a process, while the nation is waiting for help from its state, how does a government come out and ask for help from the nation? These folks have done whatever they have fallen on so far.
We hope that the power now fulfills the need to be in power. It was understood in this process that we live that power does not draw any lessons from what we experience.

Saadet Party Chairman Temel Karamollaoğlu
Vatandaş Let the state give a hand to the citizen who says I am at home but hungry ‘
Temel Karamollaoğlu said, “What would you do if you were fighting corona?” gave the following answer to the question:
* We would stop all waste items as soon as possible. We would give 1000 TL cash support to every citizen without discrimination. We would ensure that municipalities work in coordination, not conflict with the central government.
* We would extend the hand of compassion and compassion to the people who say, “I am at home, but I am hungry.”
Karamollaoğlu, for the law of execution, said: “In this way, the accepted law; it is also against the principle of equality of the constitution. He will return from the Constitutional Court. ”
Don’t be pessimistic, these hard days will pass
Karamollaoğlu stated that he carried out his work from his home during the corona days and said: “We act with the understanding of ‘Health First’. We strictly follow the recommendations regarding hygiene and insulation.
Of course, our party work continues intensely. We also sent instructions to all our agencies. Reach anyone in need around you. Karamollaoğlu said, “Nobody should get pessimistic. We will overcome these difficult days. ”