Turkey : Second death in the bloody incident! – The latest news

The event that occurred on the night of April 29 in the town of İlkadım developed as follows:


The son of the Huriye-Sabri Karadeniz couple, Sultan cursed the Black Sea. Sultan Karadeniz took his shotgun and came to the family of his family. “Bring your son here, he swore at me,” said Sabri, who opened the door.


In the discussion, Sultan Karadeniz opened fire on Sabri-Huriye Karadeniz couple. As the couple fell to the ground in blood, the attacker fled. Huriye Karadeniz died and Sabri Karadeniz was hospitalized.

Sultan Karadeniz, who fled the shotgun behind the building where the incident took place, was caught. “I learned later that the woman was shot,” she said in the police statement. I didn’t even see him at that time. The children swore at me, ”said Sultan Karadeniz, who was arrested.



Sabri Karadeniz, who was seriously injured in the incident, died today. (DHA)