Turkey : Stock Market investigation from FBI to Senator: Mobile phone seized

An investigation was launched by the FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation) of the President of the Senate Intelligence Committee in the USA, Richard Burr. The FBI, who seized Burr’s cell phone, asked Apple for information about the senator’s iCloud account.

Burr and two other members of the committee, along with the Senate Health Committee, revealed that in January, after a substantial briefing on the corona virus, they sold a large amount of shares, thus selling the shares they had before they went down.


According to the Los Angeles Times, FBI agents who went to the house of Burr, a North Caroline senator from the Republican Party, seized the phone last night.

After the scandal appeared in March, four senators were called to resign, Burr suggested that the sale on the stock exchange was completely based on publicly available information. Burr had also requested an investigation.

Sale of corona on the stock exchange from four US senatorsSale of corona on the stock exchange from four US senators


It was revealed that other members of the Senate Intelligence Committee, California senator Dianne Feinstein from the Democratic Party, and Oklahoma senator James Inhofe from the Republican Party, sold their shares after the information meetings they attended in January.

According to the Stock Exchange Law in the USA, Congress members and federal officials are prohibited from trading on the stock exchange with non-public information. According to the law, the people in question must announce their stock transactions within 45 days to the public and announce their assets and debts annually.


In the USA, while the issue was causing controversy, senators were asked to “put their special interests before their duty to protect public health”.

On February 13, the Senate Intelligence Committee, headed by Burr, which sold 33 different shares, three of which were hotel shares, which would later be hit hard by the epidemic, is regularly informed of the country’s threats.