Turkey : The corona balance sheet gets heavier in Iraq! – World News

Due to the deadly corona virus emerging in China and transmitted to more than 1 million 300 thousand people worldwide, the balance sheet is increasing in the countries.

In a statement made by the Iraqi Ministry of Health, it was reported that the number of people who died due to the corona virus reached 65 in the country.

It was stated that the number of cases increased from 91 to 122 thousand by throwing 91, while 373 people were recovered and discharged from hospitals.

The number of corona virus tests, including the Iraqi Kurdish Regional Administration (KRG), was announced as 26,331.

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Respect for those who lost their lives due to Covid-19 in Iraq accompanied the national anthem.

In line with the decision taken by the Iraqi Supreme Health Commission, a respectful stance was held in all cities of the country, especially in the capital of Iraq, starting at 21.00 local time with a siren and a national anthem.

In the respect stance attended by healthcare professionals and members of the security forces, the efforts of healthcare professionals and security forces in the fight against the corona virus were appreciated.

On the other hand, since the middle of March, curfews have been imposed in Iraq as part of the fight against the corona virus. (IHA)

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