Turkey : The most frequently mentioned name in Berlin: Muhammed

A study conducted in Germany showed that there have been a lot of changes in the names put in the last years. The girls are mostly named Hanna, Emma, ​​Mia and Emilla. The most fashionable names in German boys are Noah, Ben, Paul, Leon and Luis.

However, there was an interesting result especially in Berlin. In the German capital, the name Noah fell behind the name of Mohammed. It was announced that many of the Muslims in Berlin named their children “Mohammed, Muhammet, Muhammed, Muhamed, Muhamet, Mohamad”.


The name Mehmet, which the Turks derived from the name Muhammed, was not included in the list. If the German Population Directorate knows that the origin of this name is Mohammed, perhaps it will be your first place in the whole of Germany, Mohammed or Mehmet. Even these lists of names have revealed that Germany is an undeniably immigrant country.

While some psychologists who spoke to Bild Newspaper about the subject explained that short and memorable names give the society a sense of confidence, some studies have also revealed that it is possible to gain an advantage in business life by name.

It is also argued that those with some short and impressive names can earn more money.