Cases of corona virus in the army started to increase with the Ramadan Feast. The number of positive cases increased with those coming from abroad and metropolitan cities such as Istanbul and Kocaeli. Seven positive cases were detected in the city in one day. The study was initiated to identify those with whom they were in contact.

With the onset of the outbreak, a total of 11,200 tests were performed in the city, 300 patients recovered and recovered. 22 patients died. In the city where three patients are intubated, the number of patients in intensive care is seven.
Governor Seddar Yavuz, who explained to the army that some people from abroad and other cities did not comply with the corona virus measures and decisions, pointed out that the number of positive cases has increased recently.
Governor Yavuz, who warned the citizens, said:
* Unfortunately, there is an increase in positive cases due to the irresponsible behavior of individuals coming from our country and abroad. In addition, as the weather warmed, our citizens flocked to the streets, streets, parks, squares and beaches. In some streets and streets, serious crowds of people are created.
* It is acted on the assumption that the outbreak is over. I observe this situation in the inspections I have done. This social mobility created can cause an increase in positive cases in our city. Otherwise, there may be an increase in positive cases.
Stating that the citizens coming to the army should isolate themselves very well, Governor Yavuz said, “Recently, we have citizens coming to our city from other provinces and abroad. These people must be followed absolutely. Our neighborhood headmen must follow the people who come to their neighborhoods from outside and report them to our security units. It should be ensured that these people are very well insulated. ” (DHA)