Turkey : The woman who was positive as a result of the Corona test attended the funeral! In the village quarantine

The couple living in Istanbul came to visit their sons in the district of Ereğli on Tuesday, March 21. After a while, the woman started complaining of high fever.

The couple then applied to Ereğli State Hospital for suspected corona virus.

In the ‘Covid-19’ test, women’s results were positive. After her first treatment, the woman was transferred to Konya.

While his wife, whose test results have not been released, is being taken into treatment, the healthcare professionals, especially the son and family with whom he has contacted, were followed.

Ereğli District Governorate and District Health Directorate try to reach 50 passengers on the bus that the couple travels to.

Authorities announced that they would reach other passengers for precautionary measures and make a health screening.


It was learned that the couple over the age of 60, who came to visit their sons in Ereğli district of Konya by passenger bus from Istanbul and whose ‘Covid-19’ test was positive, attended a funeral ceremony in Berendi village of Ayrancı district of Karaman, which is also his hometown.

In the research, it was understood that the couple had close contact with many people here.

Upon this development, Berendi village of Ayrancı district of Karaman was quarantined by the District Board of Hygiene. The gendarmerie closed the entrance and exit of the village.


Ayrancı District Governor also announced on the official website: “As a result of the filthraphy of the patient who was diagnosed with COVID-19 positive in our district Berendi Village, the number of cases increased due to the high number of visits due to the large number of visits to the village; In order to prevent contamination, protect public health and control the coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic, the entry and exit of Berendi village was closed down to a second order as of 02/04/2020 at 19:00 within the scope of Articles 27 and 72 of the Public Health Law It was decided to take the street outside the exceptional cases and to apply all necessary health measures to the maximum extent. expressions were included.


Ayrancı Mayor Yüksel Büyükkarcı stated that the couple, who visited their sons in Ereğli and who were positive as a result of the corona virus test, came to Berendi village for condolence due to their relatives’ funeral:

* Our husband and wife couple, who came from Istanbul, came to Berendi village for condolence about 10 days ago.

* Examinations on the indication of discomforts are positive.

* Upon this, with the decision of District Board of Sanitary, today it is quarantined as of 19.00.

* The people with whom they are in contact in the village were identified and followed up by the health units.

* They also have contacts in Ereğli. They were also detected. DHA