Turkey : Umrah and quarantine statement from Konya Governorship

In a written statement made by the Governor’s Office, it was stated that Konya was chosen as a quarantine region due to the fact that the majority of those returning within the scope of the measures to combat the new type of Corona virus (Kovid-19) live in this province, have adequate and sufficient dormitory capacity, and large health facilities.

“This practice is not a concern, but purely precautionary,” the statement said.


In the written statement made by the governorship, he stated that the citizens returning from Umrah were quarantined in Ankara and Konya provinces and said the following:

* Within the scope of the corona virus (Kovid-19) measures implemented by our state, the return of all our citizens abroad (including umrah travel) to our country is done according to a general planning. In this context, our citizens who returned from Umrah visit were quarantined in Ankara and Konya provinces.

* Some of the posts that reached our governorship and reflected on social media are asked to give information about why our city was chosen as the quarantine region and whether there is any case.

* The application of 14 days isolation in the homes of our citizens who did not have any complaints in previous Umrah contests was changed with the decision of the Ministry of Health Science Board with the detection of corona virus in a returning citizen, and it was decided to isolate and follow our citizens for 14 days in a suitable place without being sent to their homes, even if they did not have a complaint.


The statement stated that citizens who have complaints such as fever, cough and shortness of breath are also evaluated separately:

* This practice is for precautionary purposes, not because it is a concern, but the majority of our returning citizens, who hope to choose our city as a quarantine region, are from Konya, have a suitable and sufficient dormitory capacity, have a wide range of health facilities (isolation and treatment hospital, specialist team, 112 Emergency Health Services and preventive health services team) and Konya Airport’s international passenger acceptance issues were evaluated and determined by our Ministry of Health. All kinds of studies related to the subject are carefully followed by our governorship. ” expressions were used.

Quarantine statement from Governor Vasip Şahin: 1700 more are expectedQuarantine statement from Governor Vasip Şahin: 1700 more are expected