The Revolutionary Workers’ Confederation (DİSK), the Confederation of Public Workers’ Unions (KESK), the Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB), and the Turkish Medical Association (TTB), shared the latest details of the Day of the Workers’ Day of Struggle and Solidarity. published the declaration.
The organizations that made a statement with the slogan “We are on the balconies on the evening of May 1” said, “We all say our May 1 anthem together on Friday evening, May 1 at 21:00, and we say ‘Long live 1 May’ with our applause and balloons”.
The common statement included the following statements:
* Imposing our work in non-mandatory works, factories, workshops, public institutions and organizations, construction sites even in epidemic conditions; This order, which employs us without taking the necessary precautions in compulsory works, sees us as a simple commodity that is no different from any equipment in production.
* We now see more clearly that we do not produce for our human needs, we do not produce to live humanly, we do not produce to large sections of society to build a better life. We produce only and only so that the wheels of this irrational order of capital turn.
* 2020 May 1 will go down in history as a breaking moment in which this reality is seen in its most naked form and in contrast to this, the world of the working class is crying out in another world, the will of a new social order. We want a new social order.
On the DİSK website, requests for the epidemic were announced as follows:
* All jobs except urgent, compulsory and urgent goods and services should be stopped immediately during the epidemic.
* Layoffs should be banned during the epidemic. Free leave application should be terminated during the prohibition of layoffs.
* All workers in the private sector suffering from job and income losses should be provided with income support in accordance with the short-time working allowance, at least at the minimum wage level. In Covid-19 period, all public workers, including municipalities, should be paid in full.
* Prerequisites should not be sought in order to benefit from the Unemployment Insurance Fund during Covid-19.
* Minimum amount of cash income support should be provided for unregistered workers.
* Consumer, housing and vehicle loans, credit card debts and electricity, water, natural gas and communication bills should be postponed during the epidemic without interest.
* During the epidemic period, private health institutions should be put under public control, citizens’ access to health services should be completely free, without exception and without preconditions.
* Protective equipment and all other deficiencies in all compulsory works, especially physicians, health and municipal employees, should be eliminated and working conditions should be improved.
* Precautions should be taken to protect their lives and health for the poor, immigrants and detainees / convicts who have no income and accumulation during the epidemic period.
* In Covid-19 days, women’s worker health and safety measures should be taken. In particular, women’s rights arising from pregnancy and motherhood should be observed. During the epidemic, measures to protect their income should be taken, and economic support and parental benefits should be provided for increased care effort.
* Policies to prevent violence and sexual harassment should be implemented at workplaces. ILO Convention 190 must be ratified. The Istanbul Convention and Law No. 6284 should be effectively implemented.
* Covidien-19 days as well as all over the world along with the house closed to the increasing violence against women in Turkey, a new women’s shelters should be opened strongly considering hygiene should be increased.