Turkey : University girl who was unconscious at home died

According to the information obtained; Amasya University freshman H.D (20) returned to his home in the village of Mahmudiye in Tokat’s Niksar district as a result of the holiday of the schools due to the corona virus outbreak.

Despite all intervention, it could not be saved

When the mother of the young girl M.D, who has been living in the village for a while, returned from shopping, she encountered the unexpected view. Health teams were called to the scene on the screams of the mother, who found her daughter lying still on the floor. Despite all the interventions, the young girl, who was taken to the emergency room of the Niksar State Hospital by an ambulance, died and died.


According to the first findings, the funeral of the young girl, who was found to have died from the carbon monoxide leaking from the stove, was removed to the hospital morgue for an autopsy. An investigation was launched by the Niksar Sentry Prosecutor’s Office regarding the incident. IHA

Corona cases at Ege University are improvingCorona cases at Ege University are improving