Turkey : What are the prayers that can be performed in the Night of Power? Here are prayers and prayers to be read in the Night of Kadir …

Kadir Night, which is hiding inside the last ten nights of Ramadan and accepted as the night when the Qur’an started to be downloaded, will be realized tonight. Qur’an in the Night of Kadir, which is one of the most important nights for Muslims, by Hz. Revelation began with Muhammad. So what are the prayers that can be done in the holy Night of Power?


* The Quran should be read; readers should rest; The feelings of love, respect and devotion to Him should be renewed and strengthened.

* Salutation should be brought to our Prophet (saws); The consciousness of His ummah and hope of his ummah should be renewed.

* Accident, futile prayers should be performed; If there are any prayers of that night, they can also be performed; Kandil night should be revived with the consciousness of worship and worship in essence.

* There must be contemplation; It should take deep thoughts on vital issues, especially on topics such as “Who am I, where did I come from, where am I going, what are God’s wishes from me?”

* Accounting and checking of the past should be done; and the plan and schedule of the present and future should be drawn.

* The sins should be sincerely repentance and desire; Knowing the last opportunity for the night to be grasped, there must be greatness and greatness.

* Abundant dhikr must be remembered.

* Must be halal with believers; their consent must be obtained from our liaison with them.

* Resentful and angry ones should be reconciled; hearts should be taken; sorrowful faces should be laughed.

* One should pray to himself and to the brothers of the other believers even by mentioning the name.

* Those who have rights on us should be called and asked; loyalty and morality must be fulfilled.

* Poor, orphans, orphans, orphans, sick, disabled, old people should be visited and happy with love, compassion, respect, gifts and charity.

* Verses, hadiths and their comments about that night should be read from the related books.

* Companions of the Companions, Ulama and Awliya should be visited; their satisfaction should be taken and the right should be granted to them in their spiritual climate.

* The graves of our deceased relatives, friends and elders should be visited; the loyalty of the brotherhood of faith must be fulfilled.

* The lamps of our spiritual elders, parents and friends and other relatives in life should be celebrated.


-Hz. One day to the Prophet:

Ya Rasullullah, if I know the Night of Kadir, how should I pray in it?

He commanded as follows:

– Allahümme inneke afüvvün keribim tuhibbül afve fa’fü anni. (God, you are forgiving, you love forgiveness, forgive me.)


“Estağfirullah. Estağfirullah. Estağfirullahe’l-azîm el-kerîm, ellezî la la illa ilâ hüve’l-hayyü’l-kayyûmü and etûbü ileyhi, ablution abdu zâlimin li-nefsihî, la yemlikü li-nefsihî mevten vila hayâtan velâ nür. And es-elühü’t-tevbete ve’l-forgiveness ve’l-hidâete lenâ, innehû, hüve’t-tawvâbü’r-rahîm. ”


“My God! Until this moment came, I repented and regretted all my sins and mistakes that happened, knowingly or unknowingly, from my hand, slice, eye, ear, foot, and hand. Swearing, shirk, rebellion, sin and flaw, whatever happened, I repented in his sentence, I regretted it. I meant punishment not to do again. Accept this repentance. Do not obey my ego and be devil and let me repeat the same sin and imperfections again, ya Rabbi. Once again, I believe and believe that the Prophet’s acknowledged Adam, Aleyhisselâm, and his prophet, Hazrat-i Muhammed Aleyhisselâm. I have faithlessly and undoubtedly believed in all the prophets, the Divine books sent to them, and the commands in them, I reaffirm them with my tongue, and I confirm and believe that the last book is the Holy Book of the Quran and the last Prophet is Hazrat-i Muhammed Aleyhisselâm. d. “
In the Hadith-i sheriff, all the sins of the reader who are recited are read three times after each prayer: “Estağfîrullahel’azîm ellezî la âhala illâ huv el-hayyel-kayyûme ve etebü ileyh”. The meaning is, “Until this moment came, I repented all my sins and mistakes that happened, knowingly or unknowingly, from my hand, my tongue, my eyes, my ear, my foot and my hand.” means.
One of the isthjhars is the legitimacy of the Prophet, as reported by the Prophet, “Estagfirullahellezî la âhe ilâ hüverrahmanirrahîm el-hayy-ül-kayyûmüllezî la-yemûtü and etûbü ileyh Rabbiğfir lî.