Turkey : What are the symptoms of cerebral palsy? What is cerebral palsy?

It is wondering what is cerebral palsy, which occurs in infancy or early childhood and permanently affects body movements and muscle coordination. In most cases, the exact cause of cerebral palsy is unknown. Here are the details of the answer to the question of what is cerebral palsy and its symptoms and treatment…


It is not possible to completely cure cerebral palsy, but treatment often improves the child’s skills. Many children can lead an adult life close to normal if their deficiencies are treated properly. In the treatments applied, besides the doctors, the family also has great responsibilities. It is very important that parents acquire the necessary information about their child’s disease and act consciously. Many treatment methods, from drug treatments to physical treatments, are aimed at improving the quality of life of the patient. While taking precautions against problems such as contraction and remittance with drug treatment; With physical therapy and rehabilitation, it is aimed that the child can use the arms and legs comfortably. Physical therapies that teach the child to act independently also help him speak more smoothly. Do not forget that the treatment of cerebral palsy is a team work. A wide range of treatments, from neurologist to psychologist, are applied. Besides all these, the support of the family is the most important factor affecting the course of treatment.


Cerebral palsy (SP) refers to a group of disorders that affect muscle movement and coordination. In most cases, vision, hearing, and sensation are also affected.

Signs and symptoms appear in infancy or preschool years. In general, cerebral palsy causes abnormal reflexes, impaired movements associated with looseness or stiffness of the limbs and trunk, abnormal posture, involuntary movements, unbalanced walking, or a combination of these.

People with cerebral palsy may have problems swallowing and eye muscle imbalance, in which the eyes are usually not focused on the same object. People with cerebral palsy may experience decreased range of motion in various joints in their bodies due to muscle stiffness.


Signs and symptoms can vary greatly. Movement and coordination problems associated with cerebral palsy may include:

– changes in muscle tone, such as being too stiff or too saggy
Hard muscles and exaggerated reflexes (spasticity)
– Normal reflex solid muscles (stiffness)
– Lack of muscle coordination (ataxia)
– Tremors or involuntary movements
– Slow, write movements (athetosis)
– Delays in the development of motor skills such as loading on arms, sitting alone or crawling
Preferring one side of the body, such as lying with just one hand or dragging a leg
– Tough walks like walking on your toes, a crouched walk, a scissor-like walk that crosses the knees, a wide walk or asymmetrical walk
– Excessive fall or problems with swallowing
– Difficulty sucking or eating
– delays in speech development or difficulty speaking
– Difficulty in sensitive movements such as crayon or spoon.
– Seizures

Disability associated with cerebral palsy may be limited primarily to a limb or side of the body or affect the entire body. The brain disorder that causes cerebral palsy does not change over time, so the symptoms do not usually worsen with age. However, if not treated aggressively, muscle shortening and muscle stiffness may worsen.

Brain abnormalities associated with cerebral palsy may also contribute to other neurological problems. People with cerebral palsy may also have:

– Sight and hearing difficulties
– mental disability
– Seizures
– Abnormal touch or pain perceptions
– Oral diseases
Mental health (psychiatric) conditions
Failure to keep his urine


Abnormal brain development or injury in the developing brain can cause cerebral palsy. Damage affects the part of the brain that controls body movement, coordination and posture.

Brain damage usually occurs before birth, but it can also occur during birth or in the first years of life. In most cases, the exact cause of cerebral palsy is unknown. Some of the possible causes are:

– Asphyxia neonatorum or oxygen deficiency in the brain during childbirth and childbirth
Gene mutations that result in abnormal brain development
severe jaundice in the baby
– Maternal infections, such German measles and herpes simplex
Brain infections such as encephalitis and meningitis
Intracranial hemorrhage or bleeding into the brain
– Injuries from traffic accidents, falls or child abuse.