Turkey : What is Earth Day 2020 (Earth Day)? Doodle for 50th anniversary of Earth Day from Google!

As every year, April 22, Earth Day is celebrated this year. Search engine giant Google has prepared a special doodle for Earth Day, which is its 50th anniversary this year. The doodle moved to the main screen also touches on the importance of bees for the world. It is also possible to play a small game through doodle. So what is Earth Day? Why and when is Earth day celebrated?


April 22, Earth Day first came up with the idea of ​​organizing a special day by John McConnell at the National UNESCO World Conference in San Francisco in 1969 to draw attention to the environmental threats faced by celebrating the life and beauty of our world.

Photo: Shutter

John McConnell proposed the equinox (day and night equals) time, March 21, as the date for Earth Day celebrations. Then, the first action that responded to the environmental problems with a great public opinion went down in history as the first Earth Day celebrations on April 22, 1970, with the support of Wisconsin Senator Gaylord Nelson and organized by Denis Hayes. Approximately 20 million people participated in these celebrations, many conferences and symposiums were organized, and the first ‘Clean Air Law’ and ‘Clean Water Laws’ were prepared by drawing attention to environmental problems.