The countdown has started for the 12-month sultan Ramadan. As we approach the blessed month of Ramadan, where millions of Muslims around the world worship fasting, the day to begin this year is being investigated. The month of Ramadan will begin on April 24 this year, according to the religious calendar of the religious days in the Religious Affairs Directorate.
When is Ramadan?
Ramadan is the 9th month according to the Hijri calendar. 2020 Ramadan month, according to Gregorian calendar April 24 It will start in 2020. It will end on May 23, 2020.
The month of Ramadan, where we send off 3 Months, is a month full of virtues. The month of Ramadan is the month of charity, the month of aid to the poor and the fallen, and the month of the Qur’an in all its moments. The resurrection feature of Ramadan is due to the fact that the Qur’an started to come down this month, which was sent to humanity to bring all humanity to guidance and happiness. It is also due to the fact that fasting worship, one of the fundamental principles of Islam, is fulfilled this month.
Is it fast to meet Ramadan?
Hz. It is known that the Prophet (pbuh) fasted more in vain in the months of Recep and Saban than in the other months (Buhârî, Savm, 52; Muslim, Siyam, 173-179). However, Hz. It is not correct to evaluate this practice of the Prophet (pbuh) as welcoming Ramadan. Fasting to meet Ramadan has no religious basis. It is makruh prudently fasting a day or two before Ramadan, with the idea that Ramadan may have come, even if the month of Ramadan has not entered. In religious revolt, this day is called “the day of the shek”. However, there is no harm in fasting on the day of the shape without the intention of meeting Ramadan. As a matter of fact, Hz. The Prophet (pbuh) said, “Do not fasting Ramadan a day or two before. If anyone is fasting these days because he has a custom, he should keep it. ” (Bukhari, Savm, 14; Muslim, Siyam, 21).
It is stated in the Quran:
“O you who believe, you have been given the fast before you. Hopefully you will be protected. ” (Baccarat 183)
According to the information in the Presidency of Religious Affairs, our Prophet, who said that Islam was founded on five basic principles, stated that one of them was the month of Ramadan.
As with every worship, there are many benefits for the individual and the society in fasting worship. When talking about fasting and wisdom in the Qur’an, it is said that “You will be protected from sin by fasting with fasting”, and thanks to fasting, it is announced that man will avoid sin, to cheat and injustice others. Because fasting, who abandoned non-objectionable eating and drinking for a certain period of time for the sake of Allah, must also avoid the words and deeds he has forbidden. Otherwise, fasting has no meaning.
As a matter of fact, our Prophet:
“Fasting is a shield; (protects fasting from evil) Fasting should not say bad words. The fasting person should say “I am fasting” twice to those who want to scramble with him. I swear by Allah, who holds my soul in power, that the hunger smell of the fasting mouth is better than the musk smell in the eyes of Allah. ” He has commanded
Another hadith, the sheriff, was also quoted as follows: “If anyone does not stop lying and doing business with lies, Allah does not value that anyone should stop eating and drinking.”