Turkey : When he could not leave the house, he made a piano made of cucumber and carrot – Sözcü Gazetesi

As a result of the decisions taken within the scope of the fight against the Corona virus, citizens under the age of 20 have not been able to go out for days. Stuck in the ban in Eskişehir, Ege Yılmaz set up a piano mechanism consisting of carrots and cucumbers. 7-year-old Ege, who is a first year student at Eskişehir Commodity Exchange Primary School, said that he was tired of staying at home.



The arrangement designed by the tiny Aegean, which provides sound by using arduino, cable and computer programs as well as carrots and cucumbers, did not find the real piano.

Little Aegean, who uses her time at home in a useful way, did not neglect to record her arrangement step by step. Ege stated that he was bored at home because he could not go out because of the virus, “I’m tired of staying at home. I also made piano from cucumbers and carrots at home. ” he spoke. (IHA)