Turkey : When is Berat Kandili? 2020 Berat Kandili messages and words!

These days, when we are approaching the month of Ramadan from Mubarak three months, there is little time for Berat Kandili, which is the second candle of the year. According to the calendar of religious days, this year, Berat Kandili, who coincides with April 7, will be sending messages to each other by wishing millions of muslim beneficial candles. In order to send Berat Kandili messages, you can choose the picture and meaningful kandil messages we compiled in our news and share them with your elders. Here are the 2020 Berat Kandili messages…


Consul is again pigeons on the moldings, amu amulets, blessed evening, come, O Fatihalar, Yasin…. Good oil lamps

– Hail the blessed months .. Hail, O Berat Kandili…

– Congratulations on your Berat oil lamp with my wishes to be instrumental.

– I wish you success in every job you started with the name of God. May your Berat oil lamp be blessed.

– Come tonight with Mevlana’s love, turn like Mevlana tonight, when he prostrate and rest in peace, this poor moment is tonight. Good candles.

May God’s mercy and blessings be with you, your heart will never fade, your face will be bright, your grave will be full of light, your office will be Firdevs, and your prayers will be accepted. Happy Berat Kandil ..

– I congratulate your Berat oil lamp, hoping to unite in prayers tonight, when the palm is opened, the eyes are alive, the divine breeze carries the hearts for a century.

– There are many wishes for the beloved ones. There are hearts that do not even count death. If the distances are set together, there are hearts that unite in prayers. Good candles.

– Anybody who tries and tries to take care of mower, widow and aceze chick; He has a rank next to Allah, as he performs prayers until the night, fasts every day, jihad in the square.

– Spread a thousand drops into your heart, a thousand sweet happiness, days, find the truth of a thousand dreams, all your prayers be accepted, Berat kandilin be blessed …

– An oil lamp will blow the rose to your loved ones, bring you smiles from them so sincerely be so sincere that you even turn tears into a smile. May your Berat Kandil be blessed.

Wishing all your prayers to be accepted .. Good oil lamps ..

– Congratulations to the Mubarak Berat Kandilli of the entire Muslim world.

– We hope that this blessed night, we had hard times; but it becomes an awakening again in these periods when we are full of hope for the future. May your Berat Kandil be blessed.

– Almighty God, whose existence is eternal, merciful and just, does not turn away those who pray to him. May your blessed prayer be a means to the transmission of your prayers to the great floor of the Lord.

May this day be filled with your fez, your mercy, your abundance in your home, our light, our warmth, and warmth in our home. May your Berat Kandil be blessed.

– Fill these beautiful nights on your fezzy, your mercy, your abundance in your home, in the light of the hereafter, in your warmth. May your Berat Kandil be blessed.

– Open your hands to heaven today to Mevla. Escape from sins as much as possible today. Hair for her the most hidden pearls today. May Berat Kandilin be blessed.


For Berat night, the works used for “lela-i nısf-ı Şa’bân / night in the middle of the prayer”, “blessed night”, “night of mercy”, “night (document) night” and “Taksim and Appreciation Night” are used. The four words “blessed, blessed, mercy, and appreciation” of this night, in fact, constitute the four basic qualities of the night.

Our Prophet (peace be upon him) welcomed the worship of Allah, praying for the pardon of sins, the fulfillment of the material and spiritual needs, and fasting on the day of the night, He tells us that he will manifest with his mercy: “When the Saban is the fifteenth night of the month, try to worship in the night. And fast on the day of that night (on the fifteenth day). Because when the sun goes down that night, until Allah is descending to the sky closest to the world (looking at the mercy), ‘Is there anybody who forgives me forgiveness, forgive him! Is there anyone who wants sustenance from me? Is there anybody who is in trouble? Isn’t there such a thing? Isn’t there such a thing? ‘ It is commanded. “