Millions live on pensions received from the government in Turkey is curious about the people ‘Day ahead of Will or pensions?’ question found the answer. While the retirement bonuses paid for each holiday due to the Corona virus were paid early, it was wondered whether the pensions would be paid before the holiday. Details in our news …
Will retired salaries lay before the holiday?
Family, Labor and Social Security Minister Selcuk announced that the pensions will be paid before the Ramadan Feast, which will be on May 24th.
Minister Selçuk; “Normally the day of payment from those covered by 4A (SSK); Retirement pensions will be paid to those who are 17, 18, 19, 20 on May 15, those who are 21, 22, 23 on May 18, and those who are 24, 25, 26 on 20 May. On the day of payment to our retirees and right holders within the scope of 4B (Bağ-kur); The pensions of those who are 25-26 on May 21, and those who are 27 and 28 will be deposited on their accounts on May 22. ” made a statement.

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When will SSK retired salaries lie?
According to the allocation numbers of 4 / A SSK retirees, retirement pay days are as follows;
– On the 17th of every month for those who have the last number of the allocation number 9,
– On the 18th of every month for those who have the last number of the allocation number 7,
– On the 19th of every month for those who have the last number of the allocation number 5,
– On the 20th of every month for those who have the last digit of the allocation number,
– On the 21st of each month for those who have the last digit of the allocation number 1,
– On the 22nd of every month for the last number of the allocation number is 8,
– On the 23rd of every month for the last number of the allocation number 6,
– On the 24th of every month for those who have the last digit of the allocation number,
– The last digit of the allocation number is 2 on the 25th of each month,
– Those who have the last digit of the allocation number receive pensions on the 26th of each month.
Here are the days of Bağ-Kur pension payments;
– The last digit of the allocation number is 9, 7 and 5 on the 25th of each month
– The last digit of the allocation number is 3.1, on the 26th of each month
– The last digit of the allocation number is 8, 6 and 4, on the 27th of each month
– Those who have the last digit of the allocation number 2 and 0 receive pensions on the 28th of each month.