Turkey : WHO announced … frightening proportions: the world’s 9 times in Turkey!

Health Minister Fahrettin husband Science Committee meeting on April 3 after a coronavirus had made a detailed description of the corona virus cases in Turkey. Minister Koca announced that 78.7 percent of 425 people who died until April 3 were over 60 years old. corona virus originated as 21.3 percent under the age of 60 in Turkey drew attention to the high mortality rate of explaining for the first time.


In a statement made on April 2 from the European office of the World Health Organization, 95 percent of those who died on the continent announced that they were over 60 years old. According to WHO statistics Europe is watching more than 60 years in Turkey 4 times the average of six deaths.

As well as all over the world when they are 60 years of age, compared with six deaths in Turkey is becoming more alarming statements. Turkey this rate is equivalent to 1 in 9 is calculated as 60 years of age across the world under-five mortality rate 2.3.


The World Health Organization has acted against the perception that the corona virus only affects the elderly.

WHO President Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus recently warned the youth about the corona virus. Ghebreyesus said, “I have a message for the youth today. You are not invincible. The virus can cause you to stay in the hospital for weeks, or even lead to your death. ”


“We see that in some countries, people in their 30s, 40s and 50s are in intensive care, and die, in some countries. “If you are not sick enough to go to the hospital, it can turn into diseases like pneumonia,” warned the youth.

WHO official Van Kerkhove said, “Not all young patients have health problems. The proportion of those under the age of 50 who are in intensive care is 10 to 15 percent in Italy, and 1 in every 6 deaths in South Korea is an individual under 60. ”


Following the emergence of the first cases in Turkey corona virus it passed 26 days. Since 76 people died yesterday, the number of deaths has increased to 502 since 11 March. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca announced the number of tests carried out as 161 thousand 380 and the number of cases as 23 thousand 934. According to the data shared by Koca, the number of patients in intensive care unit was 1311, the number of intubated patients was 909 and the number of recovered cases was 786.

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