Turkey : World Farmers Day message from Kartallıoğlu

Kutay Kartallıoğlu, General Manager of CarrefourSA, evaluating CarrefourSA’s support for sustainable agriculture due to the World Farmers Day, which is celebrated every year on May 14, said:

“In the past years, we have increased the support we have given to farmers under the roof of cooperatives with the contractual working model with the“ Local Seed – Fresh Crop ”project, this year by collaborating with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, TIGEM and TAGEM.

We also prevent the loss of yield in crops by providing training support for contracted farmers with the purchase guarantee, from seeds to sowing, from harvest to the arrival of crops.

By working with TİGEM and TAGEM, we ensure efficiency from seed to sprouting, from planting to harvest, and then through strict inspections that continue in our warehouses. CarrefourSA as Turkey’s working with farmers in many regions close to the monthly average of 8 thousand from 10 thousand tons of fresh vegetables close – we carry fruit intake.

Happy World Farmers’ Day to everyone who contributed to our cooperation, especially farmers. ” Press releases and visuals related to the subject are presented for your evaluation.