Turkey : Disclosure from the health department about “high aluminum” in drinking water!

Samsun Provincial Health Directorate made explanations about ‘high aluminum’ in drinking water.

The statement said:

* The following explanations have been made about the news in the press and visual media about drinking and using water in our city recently.

* In accordance with the ‘Regulation on Water for Human Consumption’ by our Directorate; It is periodically checked for physical, microbiological and chemical parameters.

* In our province, drinking and water samples are taken from 1228 points for control and monitoring purposes and are studied in our Public Health Laboratory under our Directorate.

* Analysis results of the samples taken are monitored using the Geographical Information System used by the Provincial Health Directorate and SASKİ General Directorate.

* In cases where the legislative values ​​are exceeded, our Provincial Health Directorate and District Health Directorates make necessary notices and warnings to the General Directorate of SASKİ and District SASKİ Branch Directorates, and if there are nonconformities, sample follow-ups continue until they are corrected.

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Following the stated statement that the aluminum values ​​of the central districts in 2019 were determined within the boundaries of the legislation, the following information was given:

* In January and February 2020, 559 control and 78 audit monitoring samples were taken.

* The drinking water supply of four central districts (İlkadım, Atakum, Canik and Tekkeköy) is provided by Selahattin Ereren Treatment Plant.

* Al (Aluminum) heights were determined slightly above the legislative value in the samples taken from the central districts in January, and necessary information and warnings about the subject were made to the General Directorate of SASKİ.

* Periodically, follow-up samples for the Al parameter in four central districts continue to be taken by our directorate.

* As a result; The works carried out by the General Directorate of SASKI are closely monitored by our Directorate and works are carried out with the utmost sensitivity to the subject by the relevant institutions. IHA

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