Turkey : Land prices in this district compete with the Bosphorus

Rugged land conditions in the Eastern Black Sea give limited space for construction. For this reason, it finds buyers at high prices in existing lands. It was put up for sale for 5.5 million TL through a 300 square meter tender, including a 2-storey building, located in the city center square in Çayeli district of Rize. In social media, it was criticized that the value given to the land and the building is equivalent to the prices of the mansions in the Bosphorus. The tender will be held on March 19.


Çayeli Mayor İsmail Hakkı Çiftçi said that the lands are expensive due to the imbalance in supply and demand due to the limited flat land in the region. The farmer said:

* I do not think the price is too expensive because the place we put up for sale is in a very precious location. Sometimes I compare the prices of flats in Üsküdar, Ümraniye and Çayeli. Perhaps the price of the apartment in Çayeli and the prices there alone, maybe a little more.

* There is neither treasury land nor foundation land here. All land is the title deed of individuals. There is a crowded population and a small piece remains when this land is divided. Most of our nurses are not in favor of selling their land. Because they have a small piece of land and they want a connection with these lands.

* Even if you want to buy those lands, there is no cost for them. Prices rise psychologically in this way.



Stating that they valued 5, 5 million TL on the 300 square meter land in the most valuable part of the district, Çiftçi continued as follows:

* This is a mansion price, something valuable and beautiful. While we were determining the price of this place, we asked for an independent determination and price determination of our friends from a commission within the municipality. So we do not have a situation to arbitrarily set prices.

* The truth is that if we, as a municipality, had not taken over a debtor municipality, we would like to use such a valuable place in municipal services. As a city council, we decided to sell it. We will do in the presence of a closed envelope-style sales commission, we hope it is sold.

* Because many tradesmen nurses waiting for the income from the sale of this place are waiting for us to pay our debt patiently. We hope that a good customer will come out and say, “ Let’s go, let’s save Çayeli Municipality from trouble, we have a nice place to buy it ”.

* We hope that they will give that price, they will give more, we will both pay our debts and present an area that other fellow citizens in our district will use for new projects to their thoughts and plans.



Those living in Çayeli also suffered from the fact that land and housing prices in the district were very expensive. Tradesman Süleyman Hürremoğlu said, “Since the lands are rough in our region, flat places are very precious. We are used to hearing such high numbers. ” Selahattin Yahya said, “Our land is scarce, people who have no place to build a house. As a result, such flat lands are highly valued. ”

Saying to Saliha Taşdemir, “There is no area in Rize, there is no mountain, the hill is flat, there are house prices, and they are talking about 500-600 thousand liras, we cannot buy a house if we live in 100 years”. “We always sit in a village where we can not buy a house. (DHA)