Turkey : The reign of gasoline will last 5 days

Corona virus in crude oil prices due to the succession experienced reductions lowered the price of gasoline across Turkey under the diesel price.

During the previous discounts, diesel fuel became more expensive than gasoline in several provinces. Liter of gasoline dropped to 5.47 cents in Istanbul with the second discount of 51 cents that came the previous day, and went under the engine sold for 5.64 lira.

However, the fuel sector representatives predicted that the price of gasoline will increase on Monday and the price of fuel will be reduced on Wednesday so that the reign of gasoline will last for a maximum of 5 days.

The decrease in oil consumption worldwide due to the Corona virus, as well as the production competition between Russia and Saudi Arabia, have rapidly reduced oil prices.

the rapid decline in crude oil prices also reflected in the pump price, depending on the course of the dollar in Turkey.

Since Christmas the effect of the discount price of gasoline in Turkey 1 lira 52 cents, while diesel prices fell by 88 cents.


While the officials of the Petroleum Products Employers Union stated that there could be a 21-cent discount on their engine starting from Wednesday, Energy Petroleum Gas Supply Stations Employers’ Union officials stated that they did not expect a discount on the engine, but there could be an increase in gasoline around 7 kurus on Monday.


Normally, she converted diesel prices in world markets, although more expensive than gasoline sold at a lower excise duty on diesel fuel in Turkey amounting to the difference between the diesel’s favor.

However, the latest discounts eliminated the advantage provided by the SCT to the engine. The difference of 47 cents in SCT increases to 56 cents when 18 percent VAT is added.