Turkey : The only way is science and reason – Sözcü Gazetesi

Why is it not taken the addressee of the proxies other than the ruling party to say in the parliament established with the will formed by the Turkish Grand National Nation? Are the people who chose them Canadian citizens? Their visions and information are not as advanced as the ruling party deputies? Then why do we keep them there? If you are going to ignore every suggestion from the opposition because you have a majority, with your majority votes, why waste your time! Or are they there to throw all the negativities into them!…

The masters are breaking up in the world by the coronavirus. Today is the day of unity and solidarity…

Did the opposition that you criticized and loaded all the negativities with you with all their hearts about Syria? Had !.

Did they support with all their might in the treacherous FETÖ attempt? Agreed.

Did they come to a meeting of unity in Yenikapı? They came.

Did they give any support for coronavirus? Agreed.

So, why don’t we come together to create the conditions for overcoming this scourge? Now, all the states in the world are sharing with each other. They give each other medicine and healthcare support.

Couldn’t you evaluate the 13 important items that Mr. Kılıçdaroğlu suggested together? If the name of Mr. Kılıçdaroğlu irritates you so much, your sub-staffs should discuss and discuss these issues. Because these issues should be solved with MIND and SCIENCE. The world is doing the same. There is no solution where there is no common mind. While the world is trying to solve this epidemic, no country is ever involved in politics and transparently reveals all the data about the disease. We also need to be extremely careful about transparency. Today, we are a nation that loves to live together and wants to live together forever. We must find ways and methods to survive this corona apocalypse with minimal damage.

Those who run my country; Let’s make some self-criticism. On 27 May 1928, the young Republic established REFİK SAYDAM HIFZISSIHHA INSTITUTE. This organization has created vaccines for epidemics for years (BCG, rabies, pertussis, flower, tetanus, diphtheria, etc.). In 2004, the vaccine production center was closed. On 2 November 2011, the door to the institute was locked. WHY?

GATA and Military Hospitals were closed after the treacherous FETÖ attempt. WHY? There were traitors of FETO! .. These traitors were present in all institutions of the country. It was cleaned from there. If they were here, they had to be cleaned like their separate herbs. Which institution was closed because there are FETÖ members?

Dear Readers, military medicine is another specialty. Look, this was a problem in Syria. In the big countries of the world, the armed forces have their own hospitals. Especially in this geography it is imperative! .. Valuable publications and researches were carried out in these military institutions both in the world and in our GATA.

The centuries-old Medical Faculties that provide the best products in my country have become bankrupt due to lack of allowance (Istanbul Medical, Cerrahpaşa Medical, Hacettepe, İzmir and Aegean Medical Faculties) etc.

Was city hospitals necessary? It is not suitable for our country either as a campus or as a physical structure. There are no longer such large hospitals in the world because they are not functional. The Minister of Health is working hard on the coronavirus, this is a reality. The creation of the scientific committee was also very useful. I would like to wish that there should be TTB, Pharmacists and Dentistry rooms in this scientific board. I also have a hard time understanding how to send 500,000 kits to the USA in such a situation. Mr. Minister is generally superficial when making a statement. If he gives more comprehensive information, the society will not be in dilemma.

Mr. President, in order to overcome this epidemic with the least damage, you need to provide unity and solidarity in all matters. The decisions made by bringing together the most expert scientists of the country on coronavirus should be brought to the Turkish Grand National Assembly and should be discussed and decided there. We can only survive this flood of diseases with the common mind and minimal damage in the light of science.

Mr. President, in the light of these experiences, you should review your consultants on health and military matters.

All together for healthy, bright days…