The image of the side-by-side empty graves taken by an unidentified person in Isparta on a mobile phone was shared on social media with the claim that it was opened due to the corona virus. After that, the Isparta Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office launched an investigation into the images. Isparta Chief Public Prosecutor Mustafa Akbulut stated that the graves opened as a result of the examination made belong to last year.
Akbulut made the following statements in his statement;
* As a result of the research carried out in order to determine whether there are images of mass graves opened due to Covid-19 in Isparta city with the construction machines of Isparta Municipality, it was determined that the grave places of the images are images of the past year, that is, the works done in 2019. .
* The images related to the empty grave sites opened by Isparta Municipality Cemeteries Directorate in accordance with the relevant legislation provisions have no relation with the coronavirus outbreak; However, within the scope of the precautions taken due to the epidemic, it has been reached that Isparta Municipality Cemeteries Directorate has been informed that burial procedures are under the protection.
* Therefore, it has been understood that the news related to the images on social media and some social networking sites do not reflect the truth. Research continues on those who share misleading information to the public in a way that creates fear and anxiety among the public.
On the other hand, it was determined that a citizen who was defne in the image subject to the investigation had a corona virus test, the test was negative, but the burial officers still wore special clothes for precaution.
Fraud investigation is also under way
In Isparta, investigations have also been launched against crimes committed by abuse of corona virus measures.
In the statement made by the Chief Public Prosecutor’s Office, the statement of the subject, “The production of 3 separate ‘under-the-counter disinfectant production’ by our Republic Public Prosecutor’s Office, ‘provoking and humiliating the people against hatred and hostility’, 3 ” violating the quarantine rules ‘and 1’ necessary to the public. “Investigations launched from crimes of causing the absence of things are continuing.” DHA