Turkey : Last minute… Nightmare continues in Brazil: 18 thousand increased in one day

Mart and that, but President have similar data with Turkey in April Jair Bolsonaro the corona that relaxation of prevention due to the reckless approach against the virus and the public’s misguided it began to get the situation even more frightening state in Brazil.

It was announced that in the last 24 hours in Brazil, which is the South American country that the corona virus epidemic affected the most, corona virus was detected in 18.508 people. While it was announced that the total number of Covid-19 cases increased to 310,087, the Brazilian Ministry of Health announced that the number of people who died from the corona virus has reached 20 thousand in the last 24 hours.

In the statement made, it was stated that 1,188 people died in the country due to corona virus in the last 24 hours.

In the past week, Bolsonaro’s country, which says “Curfews and the state of the economy is more dangerous than the corona virus” and forces to open the economy again by sending a statement to the states, is the third country with the most corona cases. According to official data, Brazil is the 6th country with the most deaths due to corona virus.