Akşener, who said that the Turks of the Exchange under the name of Derbent Organization during the Ottoman period 300-400 years ago were sent from Karaman, Balıkesir to Manisa, and said, “We are the children of those families. So we went from Turkey. We went from Anatolia. We got there. In the construction of the dorm, our elders shed blood, died and sweated. ”
IYI Party Chairman Meral Akşener continued his statement as follows:
Years have passed. It was later said that there is Exchange. Let’s go back. It is the same in Bulgaria, with the settled Turks living in Anatolia, they have gone and returned from Anatolia to Greece.
I understand the story of the exchanges better than I know from my parents. Now it is said that there will be immigration. They already migrated three times within themselves during the First World War and during the Balkan War.
No men, no women migrated. You all watched the movie Sofi’s Choice, but no one wrote the story with those immigration. Nobody made a film about those immigration. And finally been reached in Lausanne signed in Turkey. Some unbelievers are trying to call us ‘Sword leftover’, we are the Son of Conqueror. We are the descendants of those who conquer. We are Turkish son Turkish.

In the television program, Aksener said that a young person asked him, “How did you get there, how did you get back, there is a concept like sword leftover, you know?”
I said, we don’t know the sword. We went from Anatolia. We conquered, we died, we gave blood, we left everything and returned.
Then they thought that we were given kashens. No such thing. The Greeks were gone and all those villages were burned when we arrived. We came straight ahead. I studied exchange books. Lütfü Türkan gave my friend as a gift made by my family.
The size of the land left by my grandfather is 242 acres. This is solid soil. 8 acres per man.
Neither my parents know what your family left there, no one knows. Whatever was given here, we said thank God and worked. But we did not forget something. There was a difference between Turks in Anatolia, Turks who came back from Greece and Bulgaria. It is painful. We do not forget the pain. We are the ones who know what it is to lose homeland. And we will not allow the loss of this last homeland, even if a single exchange remains, even if the Romanian immigrant remains. Our mothers would say. We may meet them tomorrow.
Stay vigilant. Turkey is the last state for him. It is the last homeland.

IYİ Party leader Meral Akşener stated that he was called “Greek seed” by giving the recommendation “Learn your family dates” but this was also used for Rumeli immigrants; “This is called in you. We are Türkoğlu Türk. You will learn this from our Turkish. Everyone knows what it is. I know that these are made specifically on purpose. Atatürk is our fellow citizen. My father’s family knew Ataturk’s mother and family. My father’s uncle was a friend of Atatürk. Hasan Tahsin Argun is my uncle. I’m talking about the person who created the two Western Thrace Republics. The fit of the mother, belief and religion of Zübeyde is enough for those who swear at her today. But shame on those who lead us. They hosted those who severely insulted such a mother in the palaces. If you forget it today, I will not forget it, I will not forget billahi. ”
IYİ Party Chairman Meral Akşener started the second day of his visit in Bursa by going to İYİ Party Osmangazi District Presidency.

Here Akşener gave a speech, in the first visit of trades that Turkey is economically more comfortable level of income starting from known around town that they listen to what you say, pensioners, women, young people said that he met with everybody.
Akşener said that the debate of FETÖ’s political leg continues, but that he did not hear it from anyone in the places he visited, that he did not hear it from someone who had been discussing Libya for 15-20 days. He said he heard a lot from both women and craftsmen.