Turkey : Important explanation from TTB: How should the outbreak be managed? Do I need a curfew?

The total number of cases in the corona virus in Turkey, 13 thousand 531, while the number of those killed rose to 214. While spreading is increasing gradually, Turkish Medical Association Secretary General Bülent Nazım Yılmaz made important statements regarding the fight against the epidemic.

Stating that the outbreak cannot be controlled in the way currently applied, Yılmaz also drew attention to the working conditions of health professionals. Yılmaz stated that they will make a statement in the coming days about health workers who have positive corona virus test and lost their lives.

Here are the statements of Yılmaz…

TTB Secretary General Bülent Nazım Yılmaz


“Curfew is not a form of outbreak management. In epidemic management, there are quarantine, isolation, restrictions on social mobility, stopping production, sending employees to their homes and providing basic food products to the necessary people. There is strict isolation in this application, but more importantly, correct planning should be made. The important question is: Where do you want to stop and stop this outbreak? If you meet this epidemic in the streets and neighborhoods with your healthcare professionals, you do it right, but if you do not apply strict isolation and try to meet and stop the epidemic in hospitals, you will make a mistake.


Ministry of Health should make zoning to street street, house, home nurse, midwives and physicians, and apply detection, diagnosis and treatment region by region. However, there is no patient currently attending a healthcare professional. A family doctor deals with the patient from many places. Whereas, if a region given to it is a neighborhood, it will increase its dominance and the doctor will scan the neighborhood given to it with its midwives and nurses. Only in this way can you manage the outbreak.


As long as the current mobility continues, the outbreak cannot be brought under control. Now the disease has spread and there are too many carriers out there. Unless social mobility is restricted, it will spread more because these people will not stop interacting with each other. Today’s health system cannot cope with this epidemic. Corona virus ends and the other starts. Because this system does not turn its face to society, it turns to medicine and treatment. This is also the case in Europe. Develop as much technology as you want, you have to turn your face to society.

TTB: Quarantine enforcement opportunity missedTTB: Quarantine enforcement opportunity missed


The Turkish Medical Association is a trump card in the prevention of this epidemic with its know-how, team understanding and populist physicians. Why is TTB being ignored? Pandemic boards were created, but why did they not take medical rooms, public health professionals to these boards? For example, we have opposed city hospitals before, we said it is a very big and outdated application. But they did not listen. Now the disease is spreading so much in city hospitals because people come in contact with many people until they get there.

We need physicians who do not hesitate to say their words and who care about public health. Managers do not want to listen to the demands of healthcare professionals. Could there be such a logic? These habits should be left. Competent people should be brought to this position. The health system needs to be managed transparently.


The health of healthcare professionals is very important. There are still huge problems in working conditions. Studies should be carried out for these conditions, health workers should be constantly tested, and those who are sick should be treated. Because we have contact with a lot of people. We are one of the main spreading groups of the disease. Personal protective equipment should not be missing and working conditions should be improved, especially in risky areas. If these are not done, it is obvious that we cannot stop the epidemic with this system. ”


Recently, the symptoms that can be seen alone except for fever and respiratory failure are mentioned in COVID-19 disease caused by corona virus. In some patients, only symptoms such as diarrhea, odor and taste, and fatigue are observed, and how are these patients evaluated? Providing information on the subject, Yılmaz said:

“We have to sort the applications according to the symptom seen in the patient. We list the patients with COVID-19 according to the finding of high fever, cough and increasing respiratory distress. We can also evaluate other symptoms such as diarrhea, smell and not being able to taste, but these are not the findings to be highlighted at the moment. It is enough for people who experience these symptoms to provide social isolation at home.


We either apply inpatient treatment directly to the hospital or send them home only if there is a suspicious situation. Patients we send to his home must completely isolate himself, the room they stay in, their meals must be separate. If the test results are positive, we recall these patients. The important thing here is the last negative test, but actually there are people with COVID-19. For example, 40 percent of the cases in China have been like this. The reliability of the tests carried out is 85-90 percent, which is not a small percentage. However, factors such as the way the test is taken and its duration affect the result. Therefore, it is necessary to send the patient for the second time to the PCR test (Polymerase Chain Reaction). We also apply this procedure to our patients who are treated. ”

Last minute ... The Ministry of Health announced: corona virus, the number of cases in Turkey (03/31/2020)Last minute … The Ministry of Health announced: corona virus, the number of cases in Turkey (03/31/2020)