Turkey : Last minute … Black day in Italy! 196 more people died in one day

There was a black day in Italy, which is the country where the Corona virus is most affected in Europe and which is the second after China where the virus is first seen in the world.

The current table prepared by Worldometers for Corona virus.

827 DEAD 12462 CASE

Ministry of Health officials announced the number of people who died on March 11 (Today) due to Corona virus cases in the country as 196. With the last announced number of deaths, the number of Corona losses in the country has increased to 827 in total.

Authorities also announced that 2313 new cases were seen in the data they released today. With the new cases, the total number of cases increased to 12462.

While 1045 of the cases were treated, the condition of 1028 cases was critically explained.