The corona virus, defined as a global epidemic after emerging in Wuhan, Hubei province of China, continues to cause panic… According to official figures, the number of cases worldwide has exceeded 1.2 million, and the number of deaths due to the corona virus detected in 208 countries and regions has exceeded 65 thousand. .
Many governments and local governments have made public statements about the Corona virus today.
A flash statement came from Iran, the country in which the corona virus was most affected in the Middle East… Iran’s Ministry of Health shared the current corona virus data with the public by broadcasting live on state television.

One of the biggest shopping malls in Iran’s capital Tehran has been turned into a hospital within the scope of the fight against Covid-19.
In a statement made by the spokesperson of the Iranian Ministry of Health, Kivanç Cihanpur, it was announced that 150 people died in the country in the last 24 hours. While the total number of deaths due to the corona virus increased to 3603 across the country, the total number of cases increased to 58,226.
In the statement made by the Spanish Ministry of Health, the number of deaths due to the corona virus in the country increased by 674 to 12,418. The number of deaths reported the day before was 809.
In the statement made by the Spanish Ministry of Health, it was stated that the number of official cases increased from 124 thousand 736 to 130 thousand 759.
A striking statement came from the famous professor Neil Ferguson, who led the British government…
While the number of cases in the UK exceeded 41 thousand, the work on the corona virus, which caused the death of about 4 thousand people, continues, and the Imperial College professor Neil Ferguson made a statement to the BBC.

In the South American country Ecuador, the dead bodies of those who died from the corona virus were scattered on the streets with the increase in the number of dead and the capacity of the hospital and morgue. (Photo. Reuters)
“There is an exponentially increasing curve in the infections we intervene. We do not have the ability to accurately measure how many people have infections, and therefore we predict statistically. In our opinion, the number of deaths related to the corona virus will be somewhere below 7 thousand and 20 thousand ”.
115 people died within 24 hours
In the Netherlands, current data on the corona virus were shared with the public … The Dutch Institute of Public Health announced that the number of confirmed cases increased by 1224 to 17,851.
In the statement made, the number of deaths caused by the corona virus increased by 115, reaching 1766.
The Ministry of Health of Singapore shared the most up-to-date data on the corona virus with the public … In the statement made by the Ministry, it was announced that 120 new cases were detected in the last 24 hours.
While 75 new cases were announced the day before, the detection of corona virus in 120 people was announced as the highest rate in the history of the country. According to the latest data in Singapore, the total number of cases increased to 1309. It was also stated that 6 people died in Singapore.