Pharmacist Ali Orkun Ercengiz was elected Mayor of Burdur in the local elections held on March 30, 2014. Despite all the efforts of the AKP, Orkun again became president in the March 31, 2019 election. It is also known that the bureaucracy left him alone and his work was wanted to be prevented. Ercengiz explained power discrimination with the following example:
“As a municipality, we help our schools. Sometimes school administrators have requests that we can fulfill. While doing these, as a souvenir, our municipal officials and school administrators want to take a souvenir photo. In the schools I attend, the school administrators say, “If we see that we have taken pictures, they find an excuse about me and open an investigation.” What a painful situation. School administrators are asked to thank the AKP province and district administrators for the services provided by the municipality. Recently, another reason is found and an investigation is opened about those who seek help from the municipality. ”

Ercengiz spoke to Saygı Öztürk. He said that they took Eskişehir model as an example for Burdur.
CHP President Ercengiz explained another sad event they experienced as follows:
“The municipality took the F-4 fighter jet that completed its lifetime and placed it on a square in the city. As a result of the arrangement, the square was named after Ayfer Gök, who was martyred in 2001. Although all officials of the province were invited to the opening ceremony, no one, including the governor, attended. Only the garrison commander was present at the ceremony. Believe me, I’m very sorry about this situation. The fact that the officials did not come to the ceremony named after our martyrdom fighter pilot, heartily injured me. ”
Municipality made 25 million profits
A loan of approximately 11 million Euros was provided from the European Investment Bank to Burdur Municipality. Municipality technical and Iller Bank prepared the tender specifications for the waste water treatment plant in administrative terms. In the first tender, 69 million liras was offered. The second tender was awarded to the firm that offered 44 million liras. Thus, the municipality prevented 25 million liras from getting out of the safe.