Turkey : The Netherlands has taken action for a blood-freezing claim on the THY plane! They called on the CEO to testify

Parliament set up a commission to investigate allegations in the US New York Times newspaper. The Commission will also listen to the parties that were competent in the accident 11 years ago.

According to the BBC Turkish news, David Calhoun, the Chairman and CEO of Boeing, was also invited to the special session to be held on February 6. In the private session, Professor who claimed that the report prepared by Boeing that “THY plane was also effective in the fall of the THY plane” was also subliminal. Dr. Sidney Dekker will also rest.

Dr. Sidney Dekker was one of the sources of the news of the New York Times. The commission also called on the session of the parliament, the then President of the Dutch Security Council (OVV), Pieter van Vollenhoven, and the current president, Jeroen Dijsselbloem.


The New York Times published a report on January 20 claiming that the results of the accident investigation were not fully public.

The report alleged that the accident happened not just because of the ‘pilot error on its own’, but also by the ‘risky design choices and erroneous safety assessments’ as claimed in the Dutch authorities’ report.

PHOTO: UAV / 9 people died in the accident on February 25, 2009.

Speaking to the newspaper about this claim, the flight safety expert Professor Dutch officials wanted to report on the accident in 2009. Dr. It was Sidney Dekker. According to the newspaper, the Dutch Security Board dipped the report of Dekker, under pressure from Boeing and US Federal Aviation Inspectors, and avoided loading the manufacturer.


Dr. According to Sidney Dekker, the accident in 2009 also revealed the first signs of the system error in the successive Boeing 737 Max.

The production of 737 Max, the last model of the Boeing 737 aircraft, which fell in 2009, was stopped last year after two accidents in Indonesia and Ethiopia where a total of 346 people died. Findings, some of which were previously hidden, show that there are parallels between the Turkish Airlines accident and the recent accidents.


In investigations of 737 Max accidents in which 346 people died in total, it was found that the nose of the plane was pushed down by a failed security system. Boeing did not provide information to help pilots respond to such a problem.

After the accident, Dr. Aviation Safety Specialist, appointed by OVV. Sidney Dekker also said that Boeing never warned pilots about the 737 Max software.

The Dutch expert also suggested that his report on the devastating consequences of the design error in Boeing aircraft was also hidden from the public.

The first response to the blood-freezing claim about the THY plane falling from the Netherlands!The first response to the blood-freezing claim about the THY plane falling from the Netherlands!