Turkey : The vehicle that got out of control during the fight in Nişantaşı crushed the old woman

The incredible event took place on Şişli Nişantaşı Akkavak Street at 10:00 am last Saturday. At the intersection of Vali Konağı Street and Akkavak Street in the morning, two drivers were involved in the accident with material damage. Drivers who got off their vehicles with nerves after the accident had a verbal debate.

Drivers contracted to pull the vehicles to a suitable place and keep a record. However, one of the drivers involved in the accident quickly entered the street next door. The other driver, who saw this, ran after him, thinking he had run away.


The person who stopped the driver after a short time, opened the door of the vehicle and pulled it from the driver’s side. Meanwhile, the light commercial vehicle, which was out of control, crushed 74-year-old Fatma Gülriz Günay, who wanted to cross the road. Günay, who was under the vehicle as a result of the accident, was severely injured and the driver in the vehicle was slightly injured.

The unfortunate woman, who was learned to have fractures in various parts of her body, was taken to a private hospital in Nişantaşı by ambulance and was treated. It was learned that Fatma Gülriz Günay, who was taken to the surgery, continued her treatment in the intensive care unit.

74-year-old Fatma Gülriz Günay was seriously injured in the accident.


Describing the materially damaged accident, Mehmet Çelik said, “The vehicle behind was a panic due to rubbing. The other friend came out and said to the other, ‘Okay, we’ll handle it in the future. When the other said “pull forward”, this time the driver went there in a swift manner.

The other one was running away and went after him. When he panicked there, he took the woman under the vehicle. The incident here is completely misunderstood. Because there was no man escaping. This happened when there was aggression in the incident. The situation of the woman was very severe, other friends raised the car, so they removed it from gold. ” (IHA)