Turkey : Turkey-Iran trade will be affected by how the corona virus?

Çin’n Wuhan and 2 thousand 592 people out of the city, which caused him to lose his life in the corona virus outbreak was based on the borders of Turkey came to Iran. The authorities took a series of measures to prevent passing the virus to Turkey.

Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan said in a statement on his social media account that all vehicles, goods and passenger entries were temporarily stopped by Iran at the border gates opened to Iran due to the corona virus outbreak.

indicating that the export and transit of controlled transactions Pekcan Turkey, “will be followed the route of passage of the vehicles in transit from Turkey via Iran. Our employees at our customs gates strictly comply with the hygiene and health rules and necessary precautions have been taken. ” used expressions.

So which borders Turkey’s trade relations with Iran, it will be affected by how experienced this situation?

Turkey – Iran Import and Export Figures:

2016 2017 2018 2019
Export 4.96 3:26 2:40 2.31
Imports 4.70 7:50 6.90 3:29
Volume 9.70 10.76 9:30 5.60
Balance 12:30 -4.24 -4.54 -0.98

According to data of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Turkey Turkstat Basing billion dollars while imports from Iran in 2019. 3:29, 2:31 made billion dollars in exports. The trade volume was $ 5.60 billion in 2019. Trade relations with Iran had recently declined due to the US embargo.


Turkey at the beginning of the tobacco products are exported to Iran, diapers and sanitary goods, zinc ores, automobiles, parts for land vehicles, fiberboard, paper products such as cardboard coming.

Petroleum and petroleum products, natural gas, unprocessed zinc and aluminum, synthetic fiber yarn are the leading products imported from Iran.

After the Gürbulak Border Gate was closed, a TIR queue was formed. / Photo: DHA


In 2019, the number of Iranian tourists visiting Turkey was 2.1 million people. This number was 2.5 million in 2017 and 2 million in 2018. Iranian tourists are an important source of income for the tradesmen of Van. The city is flooded with visitors especially on special days such as New Year’s Eve. Most hotels and Craftsmen are also very pleased with the Iranian tourists’ visits.


Turkish, Iranian Industrialists and Businessmen Association (TİSİAD) Chairman of the Board Perihan Fatih, He made explanations about the subject to sozcu.com.tr.

Stating that what happened was negative, Perihan Fatih said, “Unfortunately, this will affect the trade badly. I can give an example from our own company. We have TIRs that must arrive right now, but they cannot come because the doors are closed. At least medicine and food must go. Essential materials must be sent. ” found in the description.

Turkish, Iranian Industrialists and Businessmen Association Chairman of the Board Perihan Fatih / Source: TİSİAD

How long will the border doors remain closed?

According to the information received from Iranian authorities, Perihan Fatih said that the border gates will not be closed for a long time, “This period is said to be 3-4 days. I hope it happens like this. already declined because of the trade volume between Turkey and Iran embargo. The trade volume, which was 9.30 billion dollars in 2018, decreased to 5.60 billion dollars in 2019. Unfortunately, if the current conditions are long, these figures will be much lower. ” used expressions.