The coronavirus epidemic, which brought life to a standstill in China, began to affect not only the Chinese economy but also the world economy. While the production stopped at the factories in China due to the epidemic, China’s trade channels with the world were cut due to the limitation of the country’s transportation and logistics network. Turkey was among the countries adversely affected by this situation. China in recent years an average of 20-21 billion dollars that Turkey imports, intermediate goods, capital goods and raw materials is an important part of providing the needs of this country. Turkey currently using products from the remaining stock had to reduce imports from China. However, with the declining stocks, it is not yet known how the industry needs the goods. Textiles, food and tourism sectors such as visual as well as an opportunity for Turkey coronavirus outbreak, which forms the backbone of the Turkish industrial sector is likely to suffer from this condition.
Automotive, machinery, chemicals, plastics, iron and steel, electrical and electronics sectors that if they can not provide the supply from China, may be disrupted production in Turkey. This is not only the internal market, Turkey’s export is reflected in the negative.
Turkey, in 2018 made 20.7 billion in imports from China. According to the provisional data of 2019, imports from China were $ 18.5 billion. The biggest import items from China are electrical, electronic machinery and devices, boilers, machinery, mechanical devices and organic chemical products. A significant part of these products are intermediate goods and are processed and turned into new products.

Burak Önder
Cost and prices increase
China’s finished product in the world market in Turkey’s intermediate goods and investment goods Although the opponent is Turkey’s supplier said the Home and Kitchenware Manufacturers and Exporters Association (EVSİD) President John Onder, therefore it is important to China for the production of many products that he said. Önder said, “It takes a long time in China to cause problems in the supply of semi-finished products and investment products. It also means increasing costs and prices for many sectors, and it is also a troublesome process for our sectors that export to China. ”

Bulent Aymen
More than opportunity
Bülent Aymen, Honorary President of the Mediterranean Furniture, Paper and Forest Products Exporters Association (AKAMIB), said that there is no problem in China at the moment, but said that the Turkish industry will be seriously affected if the virus cannot be brought under control. Availability to see the opportunity that’s right, if the growth of the epidemic Turkey for emphasizing it would be more of the disadvantages Aymen economy, recalling that Turkey is dependent on China’s imports, he said bulunamayacağını easy alternative import market.