Turkey : What is the short-time working allowance? How to apply for short-time work allowance?

In case of crisis, working hours are given daily, weekly or monthly, and in case of interruption to work, the insured is given a short work allowance. So what is the short-time working allowance? How to apply. Here are the details…


In the event that the weekly working hours in the workplace are temporarily reduced by at least one third for general economic, sectoral, regional crisis or challenging reasons, or if the activity is stopped completely or partially for at least four weeks without seeking a continuity condition, the workplace should not exceed three months (6 months by the decision of the President. It is an application that provides income support to the insured for the period they cannot work.


Daily short-time working allowance; It is 60% of the average daily gross earnings calculated by taking into consideration the insured’s earnings for the last twelve months premium. The amount of short-time working allowance calculated in this way cannot exceed 150% of the gross amount of the monthly minimum wage.

The short-time work allowance is paid to the worker himself and five times a month on a monthly basis. Payments are made through PTT Bank. The Minister of Family, Labor and Social Services is empowered to bring the payment date forward.

“General Economic” crisis in terms of short work practice

These are situations in which events occurring in the national or international economy seriously affect the country’s economy and thus the workplace.

“Regional Crisis” in terms of short work practice

These are situations in which businesses that operate in a specific province or region are affected and shaken economically due to national or international events.

“Sectoral Crisis” in terms of short work practice

Sectors that are directly affected by events occurring in the national or international economy and the workplaces in other related sectors are seriously shaken.

“Compelling Reasons” in terms of short study practice

Periodic situations or earthquake, fire, flood, landslide, epidemic disease caused by the external effects of the employer not caused by his / her own referral and administration, not predicted, as a result of which it is not possible to be eliminated, temporarily reduced the working time or completely or partially stopped the activity, These are situations such as mobilization.


The employer; It is necessary to apply to İŞKUR that the working time in the workplace has decreased or stopped due to general economic, sectoral, regional crisis or challenging reasons, and it has to be determined that the workplace has been affected by this situation as a result of the compliance determination made by the Labor Inspectors.


The employer’s short work request is found to be appropriate as a result of the examination by the labor inspectors,

The worker was entitled to unemployment benefit in terms of working hours and unemployment insurance premium payment days at the start of the short work (Those who have paid unemployment insurance premium for at least 600 days in the last three years from those who have been subjected to service contract for the last 120 days before the start of the short work),

Finding the information of the worker in the list of those who will participate in the short study as a result of the examination by the labor inspectors,
is required.


Employers can apply for short work by filling the Short Work Request Form and information about the workers to be short worked in a magnetic and written environment due to general economic, sectoral, regional crisis or compelling reasons.

If the existence of compelling reasons arising from the periodic situations arising from the general economic, sectoral or regional crisis and external influences is claimed by the confederations of workers and employers’ unions or if there is a strong sign in this direction, the issue is evaluated by the Board of Directors of İŞKUR. The Board of Directors’ Decision is not required for applications made for reasons such as earthquake, fire, flood, landslide, epidemic disease, mobilization for other compelling reasons.

If there is no decision taken by the Board of Directors regarding the compelling reasons arising from the periodic situations arising from the general economic, sectoral or regional crisis and external effects, the applications are rejected by the employer unit by the Employers.

After completing the determination of conformity as a result of the examination by the labor inspectors, the employer’s requests for changing the list of workers to be short-worked and / or increasing the short working time applied at the workplace are evaluated as new applications.