Turkey : When does the Corona epidemic end? Scientific Committee member made history

Scientific Committee Member Dr. Tevfik Özlü used the following statements:

* When the outbreak ends, we are asked when we will return to normal. One of the most curious issues.

* It seems that the outbreak is almost over. In a process that does not take too long, I think normalization studies will start, but of course we need to be very careful here.

* Because the end of the epidemic means that new cases do not arise anymore. Treating and discharging our current patients means reducing our patient burden.

* At the same time, preventing contamination in the society means that those who are in the follow-up and isolation of the contacts are completed.

* In this way, we will put out the fire.

* I don’t think this will take too much time.

* We will complete this process to a large extent, possibly before the end of May.

* There may be some cases that are prolonged, but these will be sporadic.

* I think this fire will be extinguished by the end of May.